No posts lately as I have been travelling (ski trip, Columbus visit for my brother's birthday and St. Thomas trip for my wedding anniversary). Now I'm working on editorial posts for Justmeans which means posts here will be few and far between for some time. First Justmeans publication is scheduled for Feb. 1. I'm writing on sustainable finance, a broad area encompassing a surprising number of opportunities for humor. Don't hesitate to communicate, here or through Justmeans, if you want to suggest a topic for a column.
If you visit St. Thomas stop at Government House in Charlotte Amalie. If you are lucky (like we were) the guard will give you a thorough tour of the lobby, including two small oils by Camille Pissarro. Then visit the house Pissarro grew up in, just a few blocks away. It now houses an art gallery on the top floor, including some Pissarro sketches, no oils. Talk to the proprietor, who will offer some very interesting speculation on what happened to the other two Pissarro's in Government House -there used to be four altogether, all donated by Pissarro's family for the benefit of the people on the island. If you have any information on the missing Pissarro oils, please comment here.
If you visit St. Thomas stop at Government House in Charlotte Amalie. If you are lucky (like we were) the guard will give you a thorough tour of the lobby, including two small oils by Camille Pissarro. Then visit the house Pissarro grew up in, just a few blocks away. It now houses an art gallery on the top floor, including some Pissarro sketches, no oils. Talk to the proprietor, who will offer some very interesting speculation on what happened to the other two Pissarro's in Government House -there used to be four altogether, all donated by Pissarro's family for the benefit of the people on the island. If you have any information on the missing Pissarro oils, please comment here.