ps NYT Headline Gang - [i]n with a small i and [F]rom with a capital F? Does anyone read these headlines before you go to press? You have six pages in the stylebook on when to use Burma and when to use Myanmar, but when the typeface gets big nobody sees anything.
A Lifetime Amid the Lox and Rugelach - For the second generation owner of Zabar's it has actually been a lifetime, but for me it just seemed that way. It was a sunny, Sunday morning in 1978 and the entire Upper West Side was out and about. I was making my first visit to Zabar's, guided by my future wife. We browsed, bought brunch and prepared to leave. She exited briskly through the single door. I was still gawking, failed to move at the required Sunday AM Zabar's pace and fell two steps behind. An elderly couple jumped into the small gap at light speed, then, once position was established, crept at a snail's pace while I held the door. The couple's slow exit created a small line of eager patrons waiting to enter. The line's leader charged at the first sign of day light and I ...continued to hold the door. Minutes later I had my chance, a break in the line of entrants. I made my move, and nearly collided with a broad shouldered matron leading a large brood who had closed on the doorway like an all pro linebacker filling the gap on third and one. The rest of the linebacker's clan meandered in at a measured pace giving a few more entrants a chance to gather while I...held the door. Finally a disgusted Zabar's veteran snorted, pushed past me from inside the store, backed-up a startled pre-teen who had just begun her entry and escaped. I followed at top speed, avoiding eye contact with the girl, and never looked back.
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