A Designer Gives a Spice Girl Some Lessons on What's Sexy - Marc Jacobs has a fashion show during fashion week - yawn. The show includes styles that make even supermodels unattractive, including goofy
head wear. So....- why does any normal human care about this? Look at the story title - NY Times fashion maven Cathy
Horyn goes far out of her way to dis Victoria
Beckham, alias Posh Spice. Victoria's outfit is outdated. Her too tight, oversexed look isn't just -so 2007-, it's
emblematic of the "
cartoonish Jessica Rabbit look" that is suddenly not sexy. Kudos to Ms
Horyn -
Beckham was insufferable in her unwatchable TV special and it is a spectacular delight to see a NY Times front page headline (we are talking A-1 here, the real front page, not some soon to be forgotten Section F Fashion spread that I can't get to until I finish the crossword) devoted to her demise. Best of all, it's a totally gratuitous attack. Ms
Beckham's sole offense seems to be attending the show in last year's garb - which ought to be
forgivable since this year's garb is not even for sale yet. Now Victoria Beckham is forever branded as a symbol of the
unchic. Welcome to America, Posh. I know it seems dark right now, but it could be worse. Suppose David was the father of Sporty's baby.
After Change of Heart, a Guilty Plea in New Jersey Bank Robberies - Why is this an apparel story and how do we explain that awful "A Peril" pun in the title? Our indecisive felon is the Mad Hatter (see post of June 13) whose capture and initial plea in July slipped by during our visit to Ireland. Sadly he seems like a very ordinary thug with a lot of hats.
Head wear from the Marc Jacobs show would not have saved this guy from capture, but would have gone a long way in any insanity defense.
Philippines Ex-President Convicted - Where's the fashion connection, you say. Precisely - that's the point. Joseph Estrada was ousted as President after accusations of womanizing and bribery used to support his expensive tastes. At no point in his trial, however, did the prosecution produce a stained blue dress or claim that Mr. Estrada was addicted to the purchase of shoes.
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