City Says It's Prepared as Taxi Strike Begins - This is old news to
As Good As News - see yesterday's post for details on emergency unicycle distribution points.
Cabbies strike because they don't want to take credit cards. Leaders say this will cut into income? Every other merchant in the world seems to be able to handle credit cards, what's wrong cabbies. Wasn't this cost part of the deal you made to get the last big fare increase through the TLC? What's the big deal here? Tips won't be rounded up? C
abbies will have to report more income to the IRS and pay taxes like the rest of us?
As Good As News not prepared to join striking
cabbies in chorus of Joe Hill over the credit card issue. Leaders also say that mandatory GPS units will turn the cabs into
sweatboxes - duh -
dont't many cabs already have GPS units? Aren't all the NYC cabs supposed to have AC? What is this strike really about? Union leadership trying to establish credibility with rank and file, or maybe just get a picture in the paper - well, no photo here Ms
In Turmoil of '68, Clinton Found a New Voice - So, why do so many people hate Hillary so much? It seems like she was a very nice young woman in college, active but working within the system. In fact, Hillary was so active that just reading this article will make me feel like I was a completer slacker in college for at least the next three days. She never used drugs (so much simpler than Bill's story), she was caught up in politics, not fashion. The story paints a positive picture of a thinking, caring dynamo, slides
through some quotes that don't really make sense and rationalizes Hillary's effective work as a young Republican intern even after she became a liberal Democrat. But if the story is emphasizing the positive, why is the page 1 photo placed directly, and confusingly, above a headline about prostitutes using Craigslist? Once again, the NY Times seems to have some closet conservatives conspiring in composition.
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