He's a Baby, He's Big and the Aquarium Is So Proud - The first walrus born at the NY Aquarium made his public debut yesterday. Pictured with his mom, Kulusiq, the big guy does not have a name yet. He weighed 115 pounds at birth on June 12 (glad it wasn't twins Kulusiq?) and he's already up to 268 pounds. Curators say he is advancing in a mensa kind of way, propelled by his curiousity. The linked article includes a reference to a name that walrus site, but the choices offered by the Aquarium don't excite As Good As News. How about Kuriousiq? OK, not great - leave a comment with your nomination.
Life Lessons In a Global Marketplace - As Good As News gave "Outsourced" a very positive review (Sept. 25) and the NY Times likes it even more. "a wonderful surprise", "unique - a charming culture clash romance that could be taught in business schools". Well, maybe- very fun film and highly recommended. As economics it could be taught in grade school, as a case study in cultural adaptation it might merit a B-school screening. First, thank you Times. This review means "Outsourced" will reach more screens, produce big DVD rental numbers, lead to more and better financed movies by Mr. Jeffcoat. Just one nagging question, NY Times - why is the "Darjeeling Limited", an "overstuffed suitcase", showcased with a huge photo and review on page E-1 while "Outsourced" is buried on E-14?
Partisans and Picture Makers in Love and War - The Republican militiawoman training in heels for the Spanish Civil War is back in the Times (photo at As Good As News, Post of Sept. 22, What Does IHTFP Mean Again). Now it's the showcase photo for a Gerda Taro Exhibit at the International Center of Photography. The formal shooting range pose and dressy attire make the gun seem almost like a prop in a fashion shoot, but there's something about the subject's expression and stance that says she means business as her dark image jumps from the light background of clouds and dust. Kudos, Times, this grabbed us for a reason and it's worth a second look.
Papers Study August Crisis, From First Wave to Last Ripple - This item reviews two studies, both concluding that one hedge fund's decision to sell set off a ripple effect that contributed to August's steep stock market decline and the same thing could happen again. Hedge funds using similar strategies now manage hundreds of billions of dollars, something that has developed within the last decade. This development, combined with the herd instinct (like algorithms sell alike) creates a market dynamic that has not been thoroughly studied. Yawn! But wait, "[MIT] Professor Lo is trying to prove it [extra market risk resulting from $billions managed with similar strategies] not grandstand about it, which is unusual when it comes to any topic related to hedge funds", writes Jenny Anderson. Hear! Hear! Now Ms Anderson, can you convince your colleagues at the NY Times to change their grandstanding and simplistic ways, stop getting all their hedge fund stories from Congressional staffers who don't understand the field and start doing some independent reporting? See Disclaimer Day and Taxes are Death - To Comics and Journalists.
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